Monday, 5 May 2008


Ascension signifies the day Christ ascended into heaven after rising from death or rather,it is the festival of remembering the physical departure of Jesus from the earth into heaven, 40 days after Easter,and this year's feast fall into workers day may 1st 2008.We could remember that after Christ rised from death after staying in the tomb for three days,he made himself visible to his apostles and some some other people.then feast of ascension marks the day Christ went to heaven and which shows that his apostles and some peoples stopped seeing him physical,physical i mean as a human,with body like a human,but as a catholic we still see christ in the form of consecrated host which turned into christ body and wine which also turnrd into christ blood after the priest has consecrated it during church was also before christ ascension that he promised his apostles,that he will send the holy spirit to them,whom will guide and help them carry out their work of preaching and making christ knowned to every body,i pray we also fall into the category of people that will receive this holy spirit,ofcourse we fall among the category but it is left for us as an individual,to work towards that by avoiding sin and keeping the God's commandment so that the holy spirit will find a comfortable place to live within us.
On the other hand the ascension means the fulfilment of the scriptures, the perfect completion of the work of salvation, the perpetual triumph of good over evil and the victory over death,ascension also proves that though our master Jesus was tortured, ridiculed and finally killed, his death was of the most high profile. And he is now seated on the right of God and ever glorified..As if he christ has just left us physically,We need to faithfully and steadfastly stick to him to feel his pressence.
Finally, let us show our appreciation and devotion to him by bearing in mind his last words. “If you love me feed my sheep.”“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (lead an exemplary life wherever you are) Mark 16:15-18.

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